Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Thanks for all your notes...

So many of you have written asking whether Joaquín is home yet (see earlier post below about our in-process adoption), and I am so grateful for your kind thoughts. In short, Paul and I, along with lots of other unwitting families, have gotten caught in a series of bureaucratic delays far beyond anyone's control. We had hoped to have him home this month, but it now looks like he will be in our arms forever in October (we hope). He is in great hands with his foster mother, "Tía Gladis," and is now 7 months old! I have to admit it has been a rough adjustment since we learned of the latest delay, but your thoughts and concern mean so much. I did take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Guatemala last month between weddings, and spent 4 wonderful (and sleepless!) nights caring for our sweet little guy. Naturally, I took a ton of photos:


Anonymous said...

He is so precious and beautiful. I will continue to pray for his arrival and can't wait to see more pictures of him! Many, many hugs and much love!

Anonymous said...

Breathtaking! I know of these delays and am praying for your continued comfort during this uncomfortable, squirmy time. Huge love, Mary

whitebox weddings said...

hi abigail,

i cannot imagine your excitement! what a cutie. best withes to you all. i hope you are together forever soon!


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